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A.M. Winn Community Guild

This is our parent/teacher organization. Every parent/guardian, teacher, and staff is already a member of the Guild. If you are part of our community, you're part of the Guild. The purpose of the Guild is to form a strong and nurturing community around A.M. Winn students and to support the educational and social goals of the school.

Our other main function is to Fundraise, Fundraise, Fundraise to be able to bring specialty classes, programs, supplies, and upgrades to our school. Each year the Guild sponsors a variety of fundraising activities and supports school activities including: the Annual Giving Campaign, Enchanted Pumpkin Path, Skate Night, Festival of Lights, May Fair, See's Candy Drive, Scholastic Book Fair, and passive fundraising efforts.

Attend a Guild Meeting

Meetings are held the second Wednesday of every month at 6:30-7:45pm over Zoom, and in person every few months. Together we make decisions regarding meeting program and classroom needs, fundraising ideas, workshops, community engagement and much more. We would love to have your input and ideas! 


Meeting ID: 872 6639 0567 Passcode: guild

Become a Parent Representative

Each class should have two Parent Representatives. The Parent Representative will attend Guild meetings to report on class events, receive information and then share gathered information with the class via email, hardcopy, and/or at parent class meetings. They will also serve as the Class Treasurers. In addition, they should also act as a buddy or mentor to any new families joining your classroom. All persons are welcome to be a class representative. Please talk with your child's teacher if interested. 

Community Guild Executive Team

​Monica Tarbuskovich, Chair

Katie Smith, Vice Chair

Erin Huff, Co-Treasurer

Kris Adams, Co-Treasurer

Ella Shanahan Secretary

email us at


3351 Explorer Drive 

Sacramento, CA 95827
(916) 395-4505

  • Facebook

The Sacramento Unified School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment) or bullying based on a person’s actual or perceived ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, immigration status, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics or affiliation with Scouting America. For questions or complaints please contact the following staff: Title IX Coordinator (personnel related): Melinda Iremonger – 5735 47th Avenue, Sacramento, CA, 95824 – 916.643.7446 –; Title IX Coordinator (student only related) & Equity Compliance Officer: David Van Natten – 5735 47th Avenue, Sacramento, CA, 95824 – 916.643.7420; Chief Human Resources Officer: Cancy McArn – 5735 47th Avenue, Sacramento CA, 95824 – 916.643.7474 –; Section 504 and Title II ADA Coordinator: Noel Estacio – 5735 47th Avenue, Sacramento CA, 95824 – 916.643.9412 –

Non-Discrimination Policy Contacts

© 2023 A.M. WINN Community Guild

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