Students will be bringing home pledge forms for the “Love Your School” Annual Giving campaign. Each school year, we request a monetary donation from all families at AMW to support our students’ Waldorf education.
The suggested contribution per student is $125 annually (less than $10.50 per month). This is the amount needed to fund the Guild’s financial obligations, if received from each family. EVERY dollar raised directly benefits our students and staff!
Donations may be submitted via cash, check or the yellow "Donate" button at the top of the front page of our website. Please return the form to your teacher - even if you pay online - so that we can track participation. Our goal is 100% participation of ANY amount! Contributions of more than $20 will receive an AMW sticker as a thank you gift (while supplies last)!
PLEASE RETURN THE PLEDGE FORM TO YOUR TEACHER BY - TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15th. Thank you for “Loving Your School” and supporting your child’s public Waldorf education!
WHAT DOES THE GUILD DO WITH THE MONEY RAISED? 1. The most costly and important item we fund for our school is paying for our Handwork program! Our Handwork instructor, Ms. Bev, and Handwork Aide, Ms. K, are funded by Guild fundraising efforts. This incredibly important component of Waldorf education would not be a part of AMW without the Guild. We are extremely fortunate to have these women on our school team of educators. They are knowledgeable, experienced, patient, creative and kind. Ask your student about Handwork class and they’ll tell you! Some projects our students have been working on in Handwork include knitting, crochet, cross-stitch, sewing, and more!
2. We also fund a Waldorf supplies closet for teachers to pull materials from when they run low - beeswax, paper, watercolor paint, colored pencils and chalk that the school district budget doesn’t quite cover. We are glad to be able to provide this!
3. We work together to implement campus improvements, seasonal festivals, and community events (when they are allowed again).
4. We serve as our faculty and staff support system, so there are occasionally additional opportunities for us to provide financial help for their needs. We love our teachers!